Our most translated fields:


  • accountancy
  • advertising
  • aeronautics
  • analytics
  • architecture
  • auditing
  • automotive
  • banking
  • belles-lettres
  • budget documentation
  • certification
  • chemicals and petrochemicals
  • chemistry
  • clothing manufacture
  • communications
  • construction
  • construction materials
  • consumer electronics
  • consumer goods manufacture
  • control systems
  • conveyor systems
  • development
  • diagnostics
  • documentaries
  • economics
  • education
  • electrical energy production and cogeneration
  • electrical goods
  • electrotechnics
  • energy
  • engineering
  • environmental protection
  • fairytales
  • film
  • finance
  • food preparation
  • food processing
  • fuel and ore extraction
  • furnishings
  • gastronomy
  • glass & porcelain
  • hazardous materials
  • heavy industry
  • humanities
  • industrial automation
  • information technology
  • insurance
  • journalism
  • language
  • law
  • lenticular printing technology
  • lift technology
  • logistics
  • management
  • marketing
  • mathematics
  • mechanical engineering
  • medicine
  • metal founding
  • metallurgy
  • metal working
  • metrology
  • music
  • natural sciences
  • news reporting
  • nutrition
  • packaging technology
  • paper & polygraphy
  • pharmaceuticals
  • pharmacy
  • postal terminology
  • printing
  • project design
  • property
  • public relations
  • purification and cleaning systems
  • railways
  • recovery technology
  • regional planning
  • restricted information
  • security technology
  • shoemaking
  • sign-making
  • software
  • solar power
  • sport
  • steel-making
  • structural engineering
  • symbolics
  • tax issues
  • telecommunications
  • trade
  • transport
  • vacuum forming
  • veterinary medicine
  • veterinary practice
  • waste management
  • weights & measures
  • working instructions
  • work safety